Alternative Investments

Investment in alternative assets requires several valuation-related compliances to be adhered to. With the increasing scrutiny of regulators for such alternative investments, reliable and independent valuations are imperative. KNAV has expertise in providing fair value analyses for global businesses across all stages of growth.  Clients have trusted us with their alternative investment valuations for financial reporting under Ind AS 113 / IFRS 13 and several local and global compliance-related valuations requirements. We offer our Private Equity and Venture Capital clients audit-ready valuation analyses and reports based on global valuation standards that are audited and accepted by the international offices of all large international accounting firms.

Our experience in valuations is sector and size agnostic, making us the choice of the firm in the era of increased scrutiny from market regulators, auditors, and fund investors.

KNAVs suite of valuation services for alternative investments include:

  • Periodic valuation of your investee companies as a part of reporting to investors and regulators.
  • Assist in financial and valuation due diligence of investee companies in line with SEBI guidelines.
  • Valuation for compliance with Income Tax, FEMA, and Companies Act requirements guidelines.
  • Limited partnership interest sales on pre-money and post money basis.
  • Secured and unsecured debt instrument valuation services.
  • Preferred and common equity interest valuation services.
  • Convertible securities, warrants, and options valuation services.
  • Derivative security valuation services.
  • Tail-end fund liquidations.

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How is KNAV delivering Above & Beyond?

KNAV provide valuation analyses and reports to the clients in the private equity and venture capital industries that are audit-ready. This analysis is based on worldwide valuation standards that have been reviewed and approved by the international offices of all significant global accounting firms.

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