Transaction and Compliance Valuation

Merger, acquisitions and restructuring requires a myriad of valuation analysis and related compliances to be adhered to. KNAV’s valuation team has the expertise to steer thru the complexities involved in conducting transaction related valuations.

Our valuation analysis is backed by detailed narrative reports ensuring that clients and regulators comprehend the methods and assumptions applied to determine the value estimate. The transaction valuation services include:

  • Tax valuations per principles laid down by the Indian Income-tax Act, 1961
  • Valuations for mergers and acquisitions.
  • Valuation for disputes and litigations.
  • Fairness opinions.
  • Estate and gift tax valuations.

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How is KNAV delivering Above & Beyond?

Any merger, acquisition, or restructuring must confirm to a variety of value analysis and related compliances. The valuation team at KNAV is skilled in navigating the complexity involved in performing valuations for transactions.

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