Transfer Pricing

The professionals at KNAV have a thorough understanding of all new advances and believe in keeping up with the constantly shifting transfer pricing developments around the globe in order to assist our clients more efficiently. Our team provides a range of services from advising on the structure of transfer pricing between group countries, to assisting with the compliances in respect of the same, including preparation and filing of annual Accountant Certificate and undertaking country by country reporting.

Our transfer pricing services include:


  • Advisory in strategizing and developing effective transfer pricing policies, including having regard to BEPS provisions with specific reference to intangibles.
  • Advisory in aligning global transfer pricing policy with Indian operations and remuneration policy with value chain.
  • Evaluate alternate dispute mechanisms including availability of safe harbor, or applying for advance pricing arrangement – unilateral, bilateral as well as multi-lateral.
  • Assistance in preparation / review of inter-group transfer pricing services agreements and advising on global documentation.
  • Conducting a MLI impact study on global inter-company transactions.


  • Global benchmarking: Analyse group structure, undertake FAR analysis and prepare transfer pricing study report/plan.
  • Preparing and e-filing Form 3CEB with the Indian revenue authorities.
  • Assisting in collating and preparing master file, local file and undertake country by country reporting to the Indian revenue authorities.

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How is KNAV delivering Above & Beyond?

KNAV offers a variety of services, starting from advice on the of transfer pricing structure among group countries to helping with related compliances, which includes the preparation and submission of yearly Accountant Certificates, and pledging country-by-country reporting.

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