Overseas Family Office


Expanding your Family Office overseas is not just an opportunity—it’s a strategic leap into the global marketplace. Our Overseas Family Office services focus on optimizing the family’s tax cost across multiple jurisdictions while ensuring compliance with relevant tax laws.

Cross-Border Tax Planning:

  • Developing strategies to minimize the family’s overall tax liability.
  • Leveraging international tax treaties and agreements to optimize tax cost-effectively.

Structuring Investments:

  • Advising on tax-efficient structures for international investments.
  • Considering the impact of different holding structures on taxation.

Transfer Pricing:

  • Ensuring intra-family transactions are priced at arm’s length to comply with transfer pricing regulations.
  • Mitigating the risk of transfer pricing litigation and disputes.

Tax Compliance and Reporting:

  • Managing compliance with tax filing requirements in India
  • Providing accurate and timely reporting to tax authorities.

Estate and Inheritance Tax Planning:

  • Developing strategies to save estate and inheritance taxes in India.
  • Structuring the transfer of wealth to heirs in a tax-efficient manner.

Expatriate Tax Services:

  • Advising on the tax implications of international relocations.
  • Managing compliance with tax obligations for family members residing in different countries.

VAT and Indirect Taxes:

  • Advising on Value Added Tax (VAT) and other indirect tax implications of cross-border transactions.

Tax Risk Management:

  • Identifying and mitigating tax risks associated with cross-border activities.
  • Developing strategies to address potential challenges from tax authorities.

Tax-Efficient Philanthropy:

  • Structuring charitable giving in a tax-efficient manner.
  • Advising on jurisdictions with favourable tax treatment for philanthropic activities.

How is KNAV delivering Above & Beyond?

Our goal is to help you navigate the complexities of global taxation, optimize tax positions, and ensure compliance with ever-changing tax laws. We have expertise in international tax planning, a deep understanding of local tax regulations, and the ability to coordinate tax strategies across borders.

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